Stories Projects Publications
Current activities
I am a PhD student at the University of Melbourne. Through my PhD I am developing new ways to improve the use of scientific information from long-term monitoring programs to inform the evaluation and adaptive management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). In particular I am investigating how control charts, a visual management tool used routinely in industrial applications, could be adapted for MPA management. This research is directly relevant to many MPAs around the world, where long-term marine biological monitoring data is available to evaluate the effectiveness of MPA management. My research addresses the continued lack of formal evaluation of conservation management around the globe, and demonstrates a model for true adaptive management of conservation areas based on scientific information.
Collaborations: Parks Victoria, the NERP Marine Biodiversity Research Hub and the Joint Natre Conservation Committee (UK).
Since graduating with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) from the University of Melbourne in 2003, I have worked as a marine ecologist in government and private organisations in Australia and the United Kingdom. In 2011 I returned to the University of Melbourne to conduct my PhD in the field of Marine Protected Area (MPA) management.
My employment history includes:
Technical Specialist (Marine Ecologist), Environment Agency and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK. 2008–2010. Outline of role: Quality Assurance research position for the UK’s marine biological monitoring under the Water Framework and Habitats Directives.
Project Officer (Marine Ecologist), Museum Victoria. 2005–2007. Research project: Monitoring and Assessment of Victoria’s Rocky Intertidal Coast (MAVRIC). Outline of role: Research scientist responsible for co-ordinating the marine ecological research of Victoria’s rocky intertidal coastline.
Environmental Consultant (Marine Ecologist), Consulting Environmental Engineers. 2003–2005. Outline of role: Environmental consultant responsible for the design and undertaking of biological monitoring surveys, performing statistical analyses and report writing.
Education Officer, Melbourne Aquarium. 2001–2004. Outline of role: Teaching educational programs and giving live presentations to students and members of the general public.
Academic qualifications
Graduate Certificate in Advanced Learning and Leadership, University of Melbourne. 2011–2012.
Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours), University of Melbourne, 1999–2003.
Addison, P. F. E., Rumpff, L., Bau, S. S., Carey, J. M., Chee, Y. E., Jarrad, F., McBride, M. F., and Burgman, M. A. (2013). Practical solutions for making models indispensable in conservation decision-making. Diversity and Distributions. Special issue on: Perspectives and tools for conservation risk analysis. 19, 490-502.
O’Hara T. D., Addison, P. F. E., Gazzard, R., Costa, T. L., Pocklington, J. B. (2010). A rapid biodiversity assessment methodology tested on intertidal rocky shores. Aquatic Conservation – Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 20(4), 452-463.
Addison, P. F. E., Knott, N. A., Keough, M. J. (2008). Spatially variable effects of copper over small scales across a marina. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 364, 19–23.
Addison, P. F. E., Koss, R. S. and O’Hara, T. D. (2008). Recreational use of a rocky intertidal reef in Victoria: Implications for ecological research and management. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. 15, 169-179.
Book chapter: Burgman, M., Lowell, K., Woodgate, P., Jones, S., Richards, G., Addison, P. (2012). An endpoint hierarchy and process control charts for ecological monitoring, in: Lindenmayer, D.B., Gibbons, P. (Eds.), Biodiversity monitoring in Australia. CSIRO, Melbourne, pp. 71-78.
Technical Publications: Addison, P. (2010) Quality Assurance in Marine Biological Monitoring. A report prepared for the Healthy and Biologically Diverse Seas Evidence Group and the National Marine Biological Analytical Quality Control scheme.
Chidgey, S., Crockett, P. and Addison, P. (2008) The Victorian Desalination Project Environmental Effects Statement – Marine Biology Existing Conditions and Impact Assessments. A report prepared by C.E.E. for to GHD.
Addison, P. (2007) The impact of trampling on Hormosira banksii beds on rocky intertidal reefs in central Victoria, Australia. Museum Victoria Technical Report Series.
Membership of key committees
Member of the Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA).
President, AMSA Victoria branch.
7 February 2020
11 March 2015
17 October 2014
10 July 2013
7 June 2013
1 March 2013
18 September 2012
15 April 2012
4 April 2012