Current activities
Mulitbeam mapping, towed video and sediment sampling as part of the SeaBed NSW Statewide Coastal Mapping Program. Contribute to NESP on Hunter CMR mapping, habitat assessment, SOP for video, sediments and MB; NSW IMOS Deputy Node Leader and National Reference Station Sampling sub-facility coordinator; NSW state government representative with National Bathymtery Working Group (GA)
20+ years working for the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and EPA on coastal, marine and estuarine research projects with expertise around marine habitat mapping, coastal ocanography, sediments, contaminants, water and sediment quality, benthic diatoms and harmful algal blooms
Academic qualifications
PhD University of Tasmania 2012
BSc Hons Sydney 2005
Membership of key national committees
IMOS Steering Committee
National Bathymetry Working Group