Stories Projects Publications
Emma Lawrence is an Environmental Statistician with CSIRO Data61 in Brisbane, Australia. For many years the focus of her work has been on the application of statistical techniques in the marine domain. Emma has a particular interest in the design and analysis of marine monitoring projects and enjoys working in multi-discplinary teams to ensure that field work is well-designed to ensure the best possible project outcomes.
Some of Emma’s recent projects include using monitoring data to develop indicators to represent the key pressures to coral in the GBR and working with Data61 colleagues on spatially balanced sample designs (Foster et al. 2017) so that “gold standard” marine surveys can be readily implemented and anlaysed. She has worked with teams of marine ecologists to develop optimal survey designs for an integrated suite of monitoring methods (such as AUV, ROV and BRUVs) at four locations: the shelf of the Flinders Commonwealth Marine Reserve, the Houtman-Abrolhos islands the Solitary Islands Marine Reserve and Geographe Commonwealth Marine Reserve.
Prior to joining CSIRO Emma worked at the then Bureau of Rural Sciences (Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry) where she was involved in developing a national sampling strategy for monitoring invasive marine species at high-risk locations around Australia.
17 November 2020
9 September 2020
7 February 2020
22 January 2020
10 September 2019
5 June 2019
29 April 2019
1 April 2019
19 December 2018
23 November 2018
8 August 2018
25 June 2018
30 April 2018
13 September 2017
9 March 2017
18 October 2016
23 August 2016
27 July 2016
5 May 2016
11 March 2015
17 October 2014