Stories Projects Publications
Dr Lucieer is applying her expertise in marine habitat mapping to help develop monitoring techniques which can be used to map, characterise, understand and manage our oceans’ biodiversity.
Current activities
Vanessa is a senior research scientist in Theme 1- National monitoring, evaluation and reporting. This theme will contribute towards two goals: first, for a sustained national environmental monitoring strategy designed to evaluate marine ecosystem health, and second, for a sustained monitoring strategy to help manage the Commonwealth Marine Reserve Network (focussing on the Southeast Marine Region).
Vanessa Lucieer has experience in developing marine spatial analysis techniques for benthic habitat classification for marine resource management. She has experience in both shipboard acoustic data acquisition and processing. Synthesising these data into spatial layers to be utilised in modelling and mapping of marine habitats is the focus of her current research.
Vanessa is interested in improving information systems for managers of Australia's marine estate and recently was involved in the development of Seamap Australia.
Academic qualifications
UTAS PhD Marine Surveying [2007] ‘Spatial uncertainty estimation techniques for shallow coastal seabed mapping’.
UTAS Bachelor of Science [1999] Double Major in Remote Sensing and GIS with First Class Honours.
Dr Lucieer has published research papers, reports, book chapters and invited conference papers on topics such as:
Membership of key committees
Deputy Node Leader (South East Region) for the Integrated Marine Observing System
Editor for Marine Geoscience Special Issue: Marine Geomorphometry
17 November 2020
9 September 2020
7 February 2020
22 January 2020
10 September 2019
5 June 2019
29 April 2019
1 April 2019
19 December 2018
23 November 2018
8 August 2018
25 June 2018
10 May 2018
7 May 2018
30 April 2018
13 September 2017
9 March 2017
18 October 2016
23 August 2016
27 July 2016
5 May 2016
11 March 2015
17 October 2014