August 28, 2013

Two NERP hubs are participating in this year’s National Threatened Species Day on Saturday 7 September at Darwin Waterfront – the Northern Australia Hub and Marine Biodiversity Hub. Videos, slide shows and brochures will focus on the management of listed and rare species including sawfish and river sharks, and the impact feral cats are having on native mammals. 

Northern Australia Hub scientists will demonstrate how mammal trapping equipment is used to survey small mammals, and there will be a slide show of images captured from camera traps in Arnhem Land.

Related information:

  • National Threatened Species days are also happening in Cairns on Sept 1, and Brisbane & Sydney on Sept 6.
  • The Darwin Threatened Species day will run from 9am-2pm at Darwin Waterfront near Kitchener Drive.
  • Northern and Marine hubs’ video highlighting sawfish and river shark research
  • Marine Hub’s sawfish project pages – supporting management of listed and rare species
  • Northern Australia Hub’s research projects with two page summaries
  • Marine Hub’s Research Portfolio 2013
  • NERP (National Environmental Research Program)


Photos from the day :

Researcher Kate Buckley, Marine Hub and Northern Hub stall, 2013 Natioinal Threatened Species Day


Marine Hub and Northern Hub stall, 2013 Natioinal Threatened Species Day