December 13, 2016
Next year (2017) marks the halfway point of the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub and the 10th year that there has been a Marine Biodiversity Hub under research programs led by the Department of the Environment and Energy (and its predecessors). Much has been achieved in that time in terms of science, all available through our website, and to be celebrated next year. Just as important is the steadily increasing engagement with the scientific community and other stakeholders in Australia and overseas. The Hub now has 10 partners, 25 collaborators, and 42 stakeholders.
Of course, increased engagement can lead us away from our interaction with the marine environment that we are all working on to sustain and improve. We hope that you will find the time this summer to spend some time appreciating, or reconnecting, with the marine environment and with family and friends, and return refreshed and replenished for the New Year.
Nic Bax, Director
Paul Hedge, Deputy Director and Knowledge Broker
Season's Greetings from the NESP Marine Biodiversity Hub Executive Team
Hub Researchers Christy Davies and Peter Kyne assessing water quality on a shallow floodplain waterhole of the Daly River during surveys for Largetooth Sawfish. Project A1 - Northern Australian hotspots for the recovery of threatened euryhaline species