Project A9 - Grey Nurse Shark population estimate: east coast

Grey Nurse Shark
Grey Nurse Shark. Image: David Harasti, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.

Australia’s east coast Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) population is listed as critically endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The population has undergone a severe reduction in size due to activities such as fishing and shark control programs.

Project A10 - Conservation of handfish and their habitat

From left: Spotted handfish.  Image: Tyson Bessell, University of Tasmania. Spotted Handfish. Image: Tim Lynch, CSIRO. Red Handfish. Image: Rick Stuart-Smith, Reef Life Survey.

(Previous project titles - Monitoring and conservation of spotted handfish, Conservation of spotted handfish and their habitat)

Project update, 2019

Project A3 - A national assessment of the status of white sharks

Satellite tracking of white sharks by CSIRO highlights extensive movements between South Australia and north-western Western Australia, and along the east coast including to New Zealand, but limited movements east and west through Bass Strait. Image: CSIRO