Eureka Prize for Hub shellfish reef researchers

November 25, 2020

A blenny in shellfish reef habitat
A blenny in shellfish reef habitat. Image: Lisa Bostrom-Einarsson

A Marine Biodiversity Hub project that has provided a knowledge-base for restoring a near-extinct marine ecosystem last night won the Eureka Prize for Applied Environmental Research.

Hitching a ride on Hercules: how oyster reefs form on mud banks in the absence of hard surfaces

July 30, 2020

Researchers survey remnant oyster reef in the Rchmond River mudflat
Gideon Heller-Wagner and Ian McLeod of James Cook University survey remnant oyster reefs on intertidal mudflats of the Richmond River at Ballina, NSW. Image: Pat Dwyer, NSW DPI

Project E5 - The role of restoration in conserving matters of national environmental significance

A blenny in shellfish reef habitat
A beneficiary of restoration. The Oyster Blenny, Omobranchus anolius, seeks shelter inside oyster shells when danger approaches. They are often seen peering out of the shells, assessing the surrounding area from the relative safety of the oysters. Image: Lisa Bostrom-Einarsson

Charting a future for Australia's threatened shellfish reefs

February 15, 2018

Most of Australia's once-widespread shellfish reefs have disappeared. A Hub study finds there is still time to arrest the decline, provided the threats that caused their destruction can be curtailed.

Project B4 - Underpinning repair and conservation of Australia's threatened coastal-marine habitats

Project leader Ian McLeod at an oyster reef in Hinchinbrook Channel, Qld
Project co-leader Dr Ian McLeod of TropWATER, James Cook University at an Isognomon ephippium, (leaf oyster) reef in Hinchinbrook Channel, Queensland. Image: Ross Johnson