Quantification of risk from shipping to large marine fauna across Australia: Final Report

Quantification of risk from shipping to large marine fauna across Australia: Final Report

Substantial and ongoing growth in coastal and port development, recreational boating and commercial shipping around Australia is increasing the potential for adverse interactions with marine species. This is exacerbated by growing populations of some whale species such as humpback whales.

For large marine fauna, the two major risks are vessel collisions (particularly for marine mammals and turtles) and cumulative exposure to chronic noise (across a wide range of species). Greater research focus and better methodological frameworks are needed to quantify the time and location that these risks are high, to help direct resources and monitoring toward developing and implementing appropriate management strategies.

This project combined existing data such as vessel density, speed and noise levels with species distribution/habitat models to identify Biological Important Areas (BIAs) and produce fine-scale relative spatial risk profiles. These risk profiles can be used to identify when and where marine fauna and shipping overlap, and to work through a question and answer process designed to help minimise the risk (see Table 9 in the main document). This includes evaluating relative risk, research and resourcing options, and the likely effects of management/mitigation approaches.

Document type: 

Report from workshop on characterising underwater shipping noise in Australia

Report from workshop on characterising underwater shipping noise in Australia

The objective of the meeting was to present and discuss the initial results from the current project related to mapping of shipping noise. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the future proposed project that will be extending this work and coordinate research with stakeholders and their management priorities to ensure the project delivers useful tools for management. Specifically:

  1. Provide a brief overview of noise mapping projects overseas and the underlying management imperatives
  2. Present preliminary findings of shipping noise maps from current NESP C5 project
  3. Identify management priorities related to underwater noise by relevant stakeholders
  4. Provide an overview of the future proposed NESP shipping noise project
  5. Discuss future direction and development of noise maps for Australia
Document type: 

EP2 - Surveying marine life in the canyons off Bremer Bay

Bathymetry map of Bremer offshore region.
Deep sea canyons south of Western Australia's Bremer Bay are a mecca for large marine life. Image: Geoscience Australia


As Australian shipping grows, how can we avoid collisions with marine animals?

November 30, 2016

We're determining where large marine animals are most in danger of colliding with vessels, to support a national strategy for reducing the risk.