TitleSeagrass restoration is possible: Insights and lessons from Australia and New Zealand.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of publication2020
AuthorsTan, YMei, Dalby, O, Kendrick, GA, Statton, J, Sinclair, EA, Fraser, MW, Macreadie, PI, Gillies, CL, Coleman, RA, Waycott, M, van Dijk, K-jent, Vergés, A, Ross, JD, Campbell, ML, Matheson, FE, Jackson, EL, Irving, AD, Govers, LL, Connolly, RM, McLeod, IM, Rasheed, MA, Kirkman, H, Flindt, MR, Lange, T, Miller, AD, Sherman, CDH
JournalFrontiers in Marine Science
Date published14 Aug 2020
Type of ArticleJournal
Keywordsclimate change, coastal, marine plants, restoration, seagrass ecosystems
Short titleFront. Mar. Sci.
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