An introduction to MBHdesign

This is a tutorial, or a "vignette", using R terminology, to support the R-package for spatially balanced survey design.  It guides a new user through the process of setting up MBHdesign and producing a survey design.

A robust scientific conclusion is the result of a rigorous scientific process. In observational ecology, this process involves making inferences about a population from a sample. The sample is crucial, and is the result of implementing a survey design. A good survey design ensures that the data from the survey is capable of answering the research question.

Better designs, such as spatially balanced designs, will also be as precise as possible given the constraints of the budget. Project D2 of the NESP marine biodiversity hub have been researching and have implemented spatially balanced designs into the R-package "MBHdesign" (for Marine Biodiversity Hub Design). MBHdesign incorporates addition of legacy sites and also designs for transects, and is available on CRAN (

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